Friday, September 5, 2008

night one, success!

Training for Chips began as soon as she got home last night... teach where to do her business. Although she is still very shy about outdoors, she really enjoys newsprint:

We lined her play area with newspapers (naturally) and due to the current news - there were plenty of photos of Sarah Palin throughout her space.
Chips has managed to 'eliminate' on 4 pictures -- Palin only, since we got her.
I am glad Chips is a democrat... now we just need her to dislike the Yankees.

Also, she's got an adorable sneeze and a less adorable cough going on -- we're going to need to get her check out at the Vet, I think she has 'kennel cough' - which is no big deal, but she might need antibiotics to get rid of it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We can't wait!! Chips is getting some last minute medical attention and we'll be bringing her home tomorrow.

I've been reading 'Dog-Friendly Dog Training' in hopes to get her housebroken a.s.a.p.

The adventure begins...